
Thursday, June 16, 2016

OMG Box Nail File Review

You know that colorful boxy thing you see at the nails section of the department store. I bought one of that because I was so attracted to it. I named it 'Box Nail File' because it is a nail file that is shaped like a box. haha

I got one from the brand Oh My Girl.

For starters, I would like to say do not buy this product. You are better off purchasing a cheaper nail file. that being said, I will continue with my review


I bought it for 27 pesos at my local department store. Pricier than a regular sandpaper nail file.


It is a box shaped nail file. I was initially attracted to the colors of the box but, what got me to buy this product was that it has four different uses for the nails.At every side of the box, you get a different use. 

All you have to do is rub your fingernail onto the box.


Side 1 (File Nail Edge)
All sides have these foam like thing attached to it with different textures.
Side 1 (File Nail Edge) has the roughest texture but it is far from sand paper.

Side 2 (Remove Ridges)
I don't know the difference between Side 1(File nail edge) and Side 2 (Remove Ridges).
I see no difference when I use these sides.  The surface of the box is too soft for it to file my nail.

Side 3 (Smooth Nail)
Side 3(Smooth Nail)
This feels like rubbing your nails on foam. It has no effect whatsoever.

Side 4 (Shine Nail)
Side 4(Shine Nail) is a little bit effective. It does add a little shine to my nail.
Before using Side 4(Shine Nail)
The shine of my nail is very dull
After using Side 4 (Shine Nail)
The nail became shinier
This is the only side I found to be effective


Like I said, You are better off purchasing a cheap nail file (The sandpaper one) because this doesn't do anything other than shine my nail. @@ It is quite disappointing because I had high hopes that the quality was okay but it turned out to be bad.

Overall I rate this 1.5 out of  5

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